FROM: The Harvard Gazette
of May 17, 1991
the history of the Papacy from its origin to the
present day, concentrate specially but not
exclusively, on the social, political, economic,
religious, and philosophical impact on Europe,
Asia, America, and Africa. Be brief, concise, and
specific. Biology:
life. Estimate the difference in subsequent human
culture if this form of life had developed five
hundred years earlier, with special attention to
probable effects on the English Parliamentary
system. Prove your thesis. Physics:
the nature of matter. Include in your answer an
evaluation of the impact of the development of
mathematics on science. Literature:
an epic poem based on the events of your own life
in which you see and footnote allusions from
T.S. Eliot, Keats, Chaucer, Dante, Norse
myrhology and, the Marx Brothers. Critique your
poem with a full discussion of its
metrics. Psychology:
principles from the major schools of psychoanalytic
thought, successfully subject yourself to analysis.
Make appropriate personality changes, bill yourself
and fill out all medical insurance forms. Now do
the same to the person seated to your immediate
left. Agricultural
the steps involved in breading your own super high
yield, all weather hybrid strain of wheat. Describe
its chemical and physical properties and estimate
its impact on world food supplies. Construct a
model for dealing with worldwide surpluses. Write
your Nobel Prize acceptance speech. Music:
Write a
piano concerto. Orchestrate it and perform it with
flute and drum. You will find a piano under your
seat. Sociology:
the sociological problems that might accompany the
end of the world. Show how boy meets girl theory
developed. Construct an experiment to test your
theory. Comprehension:
minute time test. Read everything before doing
anything. Put your name in the upper right hand
corner of this page. Circle the word name in
sentence three. Sign your name under the title of
this paper, after the title write yes, yes,
yes. Put an X in the lower left hand corner
of this paper. Draw a triangle around the X you
just put down. On the back of this paper multiply
703x668. Loudly call out your name when you get to
this point. If you think you have followed the
directions carefully to this point call out I
have. Punch three small holes in the top of
this paper. If you are the first person to get this
far, call out I am the first person to this
point, I am leading in following directions.
On the reverse side of this paper add 8950 and
9850. Put a cirlce around your answer and put a
square around the circle. Now that you have
finished reading carefully, do only sentence
two. Logic:
accepted methodology prove all four of the
following: that truth is beauty; that there is not
a little person who turns off the light in the
refrigerator when you close the door, and that you
are the person taking the exam. Now disprove all of
the above. Be specific; show all work. Economics:
a realistic plan for refinancing the national debt.
Trace the possible effects of your plan in the
following areas: Cubism, the Donatist controversy,
the wave theory of light. Outline a method from all
points of view. Point out deficiencies in your
point of view as demonstrated in your answer to the
last question. Philosophy:
the development of the human thought; estimate its
significance. Compare with the development of any
other kind of thought. Computer
computer. Define Science. How do they relate? Why?
Create a generalized algorithm to optimize all
computer decisions. Assuming an 1130 CPU supporting
50 terminals, each terminal to activate your
algorithm, design the communications interface and
all the necessary control programs. Political
There is
a red telephone on the desk behind you. Star World
War III. Report at length on its
socio-political effects, if any. Medicine:
You have
been provided with a razor blade, a piece of gauze,
and a bottle of Scotch. Remove your own appendix.
Do not suture until your work has been inspected.
You have fifteen minutes. Public
riot crazed students are storming the classroom.
Calm them. You may use any ancient language except
Latin and Greek. Extra
todays date --in metric. |